Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday's Blessings

Today I am so very grateful for...

1. My husband, who knew I needed encouragement today, and left work early to be with me.

2. Peppermint mocha's. Actually, this is just misplaced gratitude for my husband, who brought me a peppermint mocha from Starbucks just 'cause.

3. My sister-in-law, D. She is the kind of sister-in-law I hope to be to my other dear sister-in-law, Y. Thank you for your gentleness, D!

4. Mom Chrisman. She is an encouraging, godly woman whom I admire greatly and hope to know better and better as the years pass.

5. Mom Warfield, who bore and raised me, and loves me anyway! Another encouraging, godly woman I hope to be better and better friends with through the coming years.

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